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ChatGPT Receives Updated Information

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, which has the support of Microsoft, has affirmed that the chatbot can currently surf the web in order to give users the information that is up-to-date. The system had been previously trained exclusively with data from up to September 2021. Under this change, certain premium users will be granted the ability to interrogate the chatbot for the latest news and information on current events. OpenAI announced that they will soon be making the feature available to all users. On earlier days of the week, OpenAI declared that the chatbot is going to be able to converse vocally with people soon. ChatGPT and other related systems utilize immense quantities of data to generate responses to user inquiries that appear to be genuinely human. It is anticipated that they will revolutionize the manner in which individuals search for data on the internet. Until now, the viral chatbot's "knowledge" had been the same since September 2021, when its database was established from the content on the internet; it had not been able to access the net in real-time. If you were to request the free version for details such as when an earthquake occurred in Turkey or whether Donald Trump is still alive, it will answer with a "'Sorry, but I am unable to provide real-time information". Some potential users have been deterred by ChatGPT's incapacity to consider recent occurrences. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, professor of business psychology at University College London, states that, without this functionality or capability, people would have to turn to Google, Twitter, or a preferred news outlet for the current events. However, they can now use it as a source for the newest news, gossip, and occurrences. He asserted that the consequence was that a lot of inquiries directed to search engines and news outlets were going to be taken in by the program. Yet, Mr Chamorro-Premuzic suggested that utilizing the platform to search could be a hazard. He commented that it was advantageous to be able to get quick answers to significant inquiries, but cautioned that without proper sourcing, information from ChatGPT could be inaccurate. If it's not citing sources in a reliable manner, just throwing together different sources indiscriminately... then there are worries about reliability, as people tend to assume the information presented is dependable when it is not. Already, US regulators have assessed the risk of false information arising from OpenAI's ChatGPT. In the beginning of the year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent a letter to the business supported by Microsoft, inquiring about how it addresses potential risks to individuals' reputations. The OpenAI CEO declared that they would collaborate with the Federal Trade Commission in response. OpenAI had numerous factors that prevented them from utilizing ChatGPT for internet searches until now, most notably the computing cost associated with each query - it is commonly stated that each inquiry costs OpenAI a few cents. The data, although limited in amount, still provided a beneficial security blanket. ChatGPT was not able to respond with any destructive or unlawful content it may have recently discovered from an internet search. It did not have access to misinformation planted by bad actors in regards to political or healthcare decisions, thus preventing it from spreading this false information. Inquired as to why it had taken a while to enable users to search recent data, the chatbot itself gave three responses. The development of language models was reported to be a lengthy process requiring vast resources, utilizing real-time data had the risk of introducing inaccuracies, and there were perceived privacy and ethical issues concerning the access of real-time data - especially copyrighted material without authorization. ChatGPT's new features bring to light the immense challenge that AI technology faces: while loosening the restraints on the technology would make it more useful, it also increases the risk of abuse.


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